Many in the country consider Myanmar's national dish to be mohinga. It is made from fine, round rice noodles served in a hearty, herbal fish and shallot-based broth. This dish is often supplemented with the crunchy pith of the banana tree.

In Myanmar, mohinga is enjoyed as a breakfast dish; but, it is also sold by mobile vendors as snack food. Additionally, it is used as a popular snack, when people want to eat anytime of the day or night.

Optional toppings on mohinga can include a sliced hard-boiled egg and akyaw, deep fried crispy veggies, and/or disk-shaped pieces of lentil batter. The dish is said to have its best taste when seasoned with a squeeze of lime and/or flakes of dried chili. In Myanmar, this dish is truly seen as a healthy and hearty way to reduce odds or risks of ill health and to promote good health each day.

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