Apitherapy is a type of alternative therapy that uses products that come directly from honeybees. It’s used to treat illnesses and their symptoms as well as pain from acute and chronic injuries.

Apitherapy has been used for thousands of years. It can be traced back to ancient Egypt and China. The Greeks and Romans used bee products for medicinal purposes as well, where bee venom was used to treat joint pain from arthritis.

Integrative Medical Apitherapy is the application of bee products like honey, pollen, royal jelly and propolis in healing therapies. Of all the substances with which the honey bee provides us, its venom is the most powerful.

Rich in enzymes, peptides and amines, bee venom contains 18 components that have pharmaceutical properties, one of which is melittin, a highly potent anti-inflammatory agent.

This makes bee venom extremely effective in treating orthopedic and neurological problems such as rheumatoid arthritis, back pain, multiple sclerosis and Lyme disease.

The bee venom is administered along the energy meridians near the problem area of the body. While bee venom injections are available, the most dramatic results are achieved when the venom is administered by the bee itself in a controlled environment. Although the itching and swelling will dissipate in a few days, the relief from chronic symptoms is felt immediately.

More Info: apitherapy.org