Machine Code or Machine Language is the simplest form of programming languages that programmers can use to develop instructions to CPUs (Central Processing Units) in computers and other electronic devices.

Machine language uses primarily binary numeric sequences to perform functions (i.e. 100100111011). These are converted to hexadecimal for programmers to read easier. The device and its application will determine the designer's use of instructions to operate, based primarily on the peripheral devices being controlled by the CPU.

Programmers developed assembly languages to give mnemonic codes to the machine code instructions. From assembly languages, high-level languages were developed to further the ability to program the operation of the CPU. These include Basic, C++, Fortran, etc ... These are then are developed into operating systems like Microsoft, macOS, and Linux.

The earliest form of Machine Language was developed around 1837 by Charles Babbage in his invention - the analytical engine, an early design of a computer.

The first practical use of Machine language occurred around 1890, when Herman

Hollerith used punch cards to encode the US census data. He got the idea from riding a train and the conductor punched his ticket.

Machine Code is so difficult for humans to read in its entirety, that the US Copyright Office cannot patent Machine Code, only the programs.

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