Plutophobia (from Pluto, the Roman god of wealth) is the fear of wealth. People suffering from plutophobia would not want any money, while more severe sufferers would live away from the family and society. This fear can often be triggered due to the fear of losing money

Symptoms of plutophobia include breathlessness, extreme sweating, nausea, dry mouth, feeling sick, shaking, heart palpitations, inability to talk or think clearly, a fear of dying or becoming mad and a sensation of detachmen. People with this fear may potentially sabotage their career to prevent them from making more money or becoming wealthy. The fear of becoming wealthy may stem from a fear of the responsibilities or pressures associated with it or the fear of getting robbed.

Plutophobia may also be caused due to an incident or accident that was caused due to either someone who was wealthy and got away with it.

Person suffering from Plutophobia may consider the wealthy as indulging in evils due to the fact that they have the riches and the resources to indulge in them. Phobias are familial and most often than not run in families. Their intensity may vary from person to person, from one relative to the other.

Every person has a genetic tendency to contract a disease or go through a mental illness.

If the person’s ancestors suffered from anxiety disorders, phobias, mental illness or even Plutophobia, then chances are higher for him/her to suffer from one of these.

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