The Adam’s apple is a lump of cartilage that sticks out from the throat in front of the larynx (voice box).In medical terms, it is known as the laryngeal prominence of the thyroid cartilage. It is more prominent in males, and it serves no specific function. A person can get their Adam’s apple removed or get its size reduced with surgery.

Adam’s apples develop during puberty and are not present in prepubescent children. As per the biblical story of Adam and Eve, Adam ate a piece of the forbidden fruit from the apple tree, and a part of it got stuck in his throat. This is where the name “Adam’s apple” comes from. However, Adam’s apple has nothing to do with the food that you eat.

They are often more prominent in males, who tend to develop larger larynxes than females. As the larynx grows behind Adam’s apple, it pushes the lump of cartilage outward.

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