Ri Chun-hee (born 1943) is, leaving the current Kim in chief aside, probably the most famous North Korean to an external audience. Usually clad in vivid pink traditional dress, it is a safe bet that if a nuclear test has been carried out, or the relevant leader either done something of note or passed away, then she will be the one to announce it, in a distinctive style verging between the hyper-emotional to the vaguely menacing. She is a trained actress, and the cynical would say it certainly shows.

Her background is one of genuine poverty, which seems to have served her well when it comes to longevity in the North Korean media, especially when combined with apparent unswerving loyalty to the regime.

With her advancing years, she is by no means as frequent a figure on TV as she used to be, and it is rumoured that even some North Koreans now regard her delivery as a tad overblown.

More Info: en.wikipedia.org