The Tarasque is a fearsome legendary dragon-like mythological hybrid from Provence, in southern France, tamed in stories about Saint Martha, such as the one told in Jacobus de Voragine's Golden Legend.

The tarasque was described as having a lion-like head, a body protected by turtle-like carapace, six feet with bear-like claws, and a scaly tail like a serpent's tail in a text, which is similar to and roughly coeval with the Golden Legend, and issued poison breath according to one hagiography (pseudo-Raban Maur) of perhaps somewhat later date.

The Tarasque was said to have come from Galatia to Gaul. It destroyed everything on its path and devoured people and cattle. The people besought Saint Martha for help, and she found the creature in the act of devouring a man. Merely by sprinkling holy water and holding up the cross, she caused the creature to become submissive and obedient. She then tied her girdle to its neck, leading the beast to the villagers who cast rocks and spears at it until it died.

Tarasque is often compared to kaiju, the Japanese strange humongous monsters. In the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, the tarasque is the most dangerous singular creature to inhabit the Prime Material Plane.

Hydra is the multi-headed dragon in the Greek mythology. Leviathan is a Biblical sea monster. Tiamat is the Mother Dragon in the Semitic mythology.

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