Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition in which a person sweats excessively and unpredictably. People with hyperhidrosis may sweat even when the temperature is cool or when they are at rest. People with hyperhidrosis appear to have overactive sweat glands. When excessive sweating affects the hands, feet, and armpits, it is called focal hyperhidrosis. In most cases, no cause can be found. It seems to run in families. If sweat is caused by other conditions like anxiety, cancer, heart disease, Parkinson's disease, tuberculosis and many other reasons, it is called secondary hyperhidrosis. The primary symptom of hyperhidrosis is wetness.

Hyperhidrosis treatment usually helps, beginning with prescription-strength antiperspirants (forms of aluminum salts applied to dry skin). If antiperspirants don't help, you may need to try different medications and therapies either to remove sweat glands or to disconnect the nerves responsible for the overproduction of sweat. Sometimes, an underlying cause may be found and treated.

Besides disrupting normal daily activities, this type of heavy sweating can cause social anxiety and embarrassment.

Hydronephrosis is a kidney disease, Hyperplasia is an enlargement of an organ or tissue, and Hypertrophy is an increase and growth of muscle cells.

More Info: www.healthline.com