Karl Benz patented the three-wheeled Motor Car, known as the "Motorwagen," in 1886.

It existed as the first gasoline-powered car. It was the first true, modern automobile, meaning Benz is most often identified as the man who invented the car. The original cost of the vehicle in 1885 was $1,000. The vehicle was awarded the German patent, number 37435, for which Karl Benz applied on January 29, 1886. Following official procedures, the date of the application became the patent date for the invention once the patent was granted, which occurred in November of that year.

Benz also patented his throttle system, spark plugs, gear shifters, water radiator, carburetor, and other fundamentals of the automobile. Benz eventually built a car company that still exists today as the Daimler Group.

Vital to the modern automobile is the internal combustion engine. This type of engine uses the explosive combustion of fuel to push a piston within a cylinder. The piston's movement turns a crankshaft that is connected to the car's wheels of a drive shaft.

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