Five Flower Lake is located inside Jiuzhaigou National Park, above Pearl Beach Waterfall, below the Panda Lake, and at the upper end of Peacock River in Rize Valley. It covers an area of 90,000 square meters (107,639 square yards) with an altitude of 2,472 meters (2,703 yards), and an average water depth of 5 meters (5.5 yards). It is one of the most wonderful scenic spots in Jiuzhaigou, and has the reputation of “Essence of Jiuzhaigou Scenery”, attracting countless tourists and photographers. The local people of Jiuzhaigou think that Five Flower Lake is a sacred pool, where its water is sprinkled, there will be luxuriant flowers, lush trees and beautiful scenery.

It is called Five Flower Lake Because of the travertine deposition on the lake floor, various colorful algae and the distribution difference of submerged plants, it has formed many colorful color blocks in the lake bottom, such as royal blue, emerald green, orange yellow and light red, so it is named Five Flower Lake.

Autumn is the best time traveling to Jiuzhaigou Five Flower Lake, especially September and October. In that time period, the hillside around the lake is shrouded in colorful autumn colors, and the colorful forest is reflected on the lake surface and mixes with the colors of lake to form a wonderful and fantastic view, just like a peacock with an open screen.

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