"Bob's Burgers" is an American animated television sitcom created by Loren Bouchard for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series centers on the Belcher family—parents Bob, a third-generation restaurateur, and his loving wife Linda, and their three children, Tina, Gene, and Louis. Bob runs a hamburger restaurant named "Bob Burgers" and often goes on adventures of many kinds.

Bob believes his burgers speak for themselves and isn't afraid to offer a variety of off-beat creations (ex.: "It's Fun to Eat at the rYe M C A Burger": Comes with Rye, Mustard, Cheese, and Avocado), So Many Fennel So Little Thyme Burger (comes with lots of fennel, no thyme), and the Fifth Day of Christmas Burger (comes with five golden onion rings).

Bob's wife, Linda, supports his dream but is becoming sick of the slow times, as the restaurant is constantly in danger of going out of business. Despite the challenges, which include consistent harassment from Linda's ex -- a health inspector -- Bob tries to keep the grill sizzling.

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