"Total Request Live" ("TRL") also known as "Complete Request Live" is an American "MTV" ("Music Television") broadcast television program that premiered on September 14, 1998. The series features popular music videos played during its countdown, and has also been used by singers, actors, and other celebrities as a promotion tool to promote their latest works to the target teen demographic of the show.

"TRL" played the ten most requested music videos of the day during the original run of the show, as voted for by viewers via phone or online. In general, the show aired for one hour Monday through Thursday, although the schedule and duration of the show fluctuated over the years. While 'TRL" was billed as a live show, there were actually several episodes pre-recorded. MTV announced the cancellation of "TRL" on September 15, 2008, due to decreasing ratings, and the wider secular decline in music-based television in favor of online services. On November 16, 2008, the special three-hour finale episode, Complete Finale Live, aired.

"TRL" was to be resurrected on October 2, 2017, less than a decade later. The show aired as "TRL" Top 10 in 2019 on Saturday mornings at 10am ET. Then the show ended up being Fresh Out Friday.

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