The ''stolons'' (or runners) are horizontal connections between organic living systems or plants. In botany, 'stolons' are stems which grow at the soil surface or just below the ground. It is a plant propagation strategy by the growth of the countless plants by the seeds and cuttings. Stolon arises from the base of the plant. Stolons have internodes, nodes plus leaf petioles (small narrow stem). The nodes hold leaves, as well as buds which can grow into branches with flowers. The shoots refer to new fresh plant growth. Adventitious roots are produced from the nodes. The distance between two nodes is internode. The nodes of the 'stolons' produce roots, and hormones produced by roots cause the 'stolon' to initiate shoots with normal leaves. Typically after the formation of the new plant the 'stolon' dies away. The horizontal grow of 'stolon' results from the interplay of different hormones.

In most plants stems are located above the soil surface but some have underground stems like ginger, bamboo, turmeric (rhizomes), snake plant forming shoots rise to the surface from the nodes. In "strawberries" the base is above the soil surface. The ability of its plant stems to form adventitious roots is utilised in commercial propagation by cuttings. The runners are removed from the plants as they appear to put most of their energy into fruit development. The garden ''strawberry'' is a widely grown hybrid species of the genus ''fragaria'' of flowering plant in the rose family.

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