Weighted blankets are therapeutic blankets that weigh between 5 and 30 pounds (2.26 kgs and 13.61 kgs). The pressure from the extra weight mimics a therapeutic technique called deep pressure stimulation or pressure therapy. Deep pressure stimulation uses pressure to relax the nervous system. Weighted blankets can be beneficial for sleep disorders of any kind. Though studies are limited, they may help with insomnia, falling asleep, and staying asleep.

Weighted blankets relieve the perception of pain, reduce symptoms of anxiety, improve sleep quality and relieve symptoms of depression. Weighted blankets shouldn’t be used for toddlers under 2 years old, as they may increase the risk of suffocation. A weighted blanket may also be unsuitable for people with certain conditions, including obstructive sleep apnea, which causes disrupted breathing during sleep; asthma, which can cause difficulty breathing at night and claustrophobia, which is the tightness of a weighted blanket may trigger.

Weighted blankets can be constructed with a variety of materials, including cotton, flannel, bamboo, linen, and rayon. The weighted blanket may include microfiber beads, sand, steel beads, pebbles, or grains that give weight.

More Info: www.healthline.com