The movie "The Shining" is about Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson), an aspiring writer and recovering alcoholic. He accepts a position as the off-season caretaker of the isolated historic Overlook Hotel in the Colorado Rockies. During its history, the hotel was the site of many unsavory activities, including suicides, gangland hits, and many suspicious changes of ownership. Nevertheless, it remained a luxurious destination known for its sumptuous grounds and spectacular mountain view.

The Overlook Hotel was a haunted place that took possession of its off-season caretaker. It provoked Jack into a murderous rage against his wife and young son. In the movie, it shows Jack as he is running (scurrying) through the hotel's labyrinthine hallways. The cavernously empty spaces inside the Overlook mirror the emptiness in Jack's soul.

"The Shining" is a terrifying movie. This film by Kubrick is said to get under the skin. It chills a person's bones; it can stay with you, inhabit you, and haunt you. There's no place to hide inside or outside of the Overlook Hotel in this movie.

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