Something is palindromic - a word, line, verse, number, sentence - that reads the same backward as forward, as in the well-known palindrome, ‘Madam, I'm Adam’.

As long as the date is written in the format M-DD-YY (common in the U.S.) then starting on 1/10/11 and ending with 9/19/19 there are 10 palindromic days in a row in each of the 9 years in a row. Every century has 9 years with 10 palindrome days in a row, and those years always occur in the second decade of the century.

For example, every year in periods 2011-2019, 2111-2119, and 2211-2219 will have 10 consecutive palindrome days. The month in which this happens corresponds to the last digit of the year. Therefore, the next time that these 9x10 consecutive palindromic date sequences begins will be in January 2111 (I-11-11) and end in September 2119 (9-19-19).

In the MM-DD-YYYY format, palindrome days tend to occur only in the first few centuries of each millennium. The 1st palindrome day in the current millennium

(1-1-2001 to 12-31-3000) was October 2, 2001 (10-02-2001) and the last such day will be September 22, 2290 (09-22-2290). There are 12 palindrome days in the 21st century in the MM-DD-YYYY format.

In the DD-MM-YYYY format, there are 29 palindrome days in the current century. The first was 10 February 2001 (10-02-2001). The last is a special one, a leap day on 29 February 2092 (29-02-2092).

The period 2021 - 2029 fails the 9x10 test by one year because of the leap year in 2022.

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