The Young Turk Revolution occurred in 1908 when the Young Turks movement compelled the Ottoman Empire to restore the constitution of 1876. Beginning in July 1908, military officers that were members of the Young Turks movement revolted over, among other reasons, the shrinking Ottoman state and the perceived foreign interference from powers such as Great Britain and Russia.

The revolt began in early July 1908 in the Balkan region of the Ottoman Empire and spread among other army units. Suppression by the Sultan failed due to the popularity of the movement among the military. By July 24, the Sultan ended the revolution by capitulated to their demands and restored the constitution of 1876, restoring the parliament that was established by the constitution and defined rights of Ottoman subjects and eliminated the sharia-based legal framework.

The new government formed after the revolution was disorganized and not very effective, leading to a counter revolt (or countercoup) in 1909. This push back ultimately failed and resulted in the constitution being restored yet again in March 1909.

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