The Aran Islands, or The Arans, are a group of three islands at the mouth of Galway Bay, off the west coast of Ireland, with a total area around 46 km2 (18 sq mi).

The islands support arctic, Mediterranean and alpine plants side-by-side, due to the unusual environment. Like the Burren, the Aran islands are renowned for their remarkable assemblage of plants and animals.

Because of its Celtic and Christian heritage, the Aran Islands have an unusually high number of ruins and sacred sites. Holy Ireland, the Island of saints and scholars has historically centered around Celtic and Christian pilgrimage. Visitors come in large numbers, particularly in the summer. Several Bronze Age and Iron Age forts and attractions are on the islands:

The cliffs of the Aran Islands are savage and wild. They are natural beauty at its finest, and one of Ireland’s hidden treasures.

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