In the 1939 movie “The Wizard of Oz,” the Emerald City is the capital of Oz, a mysterious new land where young Dorothy finds herself after a tornado carries her house far away from Kansas. The city is home to a powerful wizard who can help Dorothy and her dog, Toto, get back home. To reach the city and find the Wizard of Oz, Glinda, the good witch of the North, and the munchkins from Munchkinland tell her to follow the yellow brick road.

The Yellow Brick Road was first introduced in Baum's first Oz book titled "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz", published in 1900. The road is an important key element used in the plot involving the book's characters. In the original novel, the road is referred to as the "Road of Yellow Bricks ".

The Yellow Brick Road begins in the very heart of Oz's eastern quadrant known as the Munchkin Country, which is the most prosperous and wealthiest country out of the other three quadrants also in Oz. If followed all the way it leads travelers to Oz's official imperial capital aka the Emerald City, which stands in the very center of the land. The road is said to be made entirely of millions of heavy smooth bricks which are all painted completely of a bright glowing yellow, the yellow is so bright it cannot be missed. The road itself is a very wide one in width and a very, very long one in length, running hundreds of miles on and across the vast landscapes and locations of Oz until reaching its ultimate destination - the Emerald City.

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