Although Elvis Presley was always too polite to say it, leaving his hometown of Tupelo was the best thing that ever happened to him. After he became rich and famous in Memphis and Nashville, he returned to Tupelo in 1956 to perform at the Mississippi-Alabama Fair and Dairy Show. Elvis was greeted on stage by the governor, and later was photographed reaching out to touch the hands of adoring fans.

Elvis’ ex-wife Priscilla once spoke of visiting the town with Elvis in the early 1970s.

In 2012, sculptor Bill Beckwith unveiled a bronze statue of Elvis, posed as he was in the photograph, standing pretty much on exactly the same spot.

Tupelo was restored over the years as a historic landmark, and each week during Elvis Week the site sees a spike in tourism as fans in Memphis for the yearly gathering make the 100-mile trip southeast to visit the birthplace of "The King."

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