The quote that appears in the picture and on a monument located in Philadelphia, PA was uttered by Nathanael Greene, a major general of the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783). This was the war fought between Great Britain and its Thirteen Colonies, allied with France, which declared independence as the United States of America.

Greene (1742-1786) emerged from the war with a reputation as George Wasington's most gifted and dependable officer, especially for his successful command in the southern theater of the war.

Nicknames attributed to Greene include 'The Savior of the South' and 'The Fighting Quaker'. He was born in the colony of Rhode Island, British America to a prosperous Quaker family. He was active in the resistance to British revenue policies early in the 1770s and helped establish the Kentish Guards, a state militia in Rhode Island.

As he became disenchanted and increasingly alienated from the British government he also drifted away from his father's Quaker faith and was suspended from Quaker meetings in July 1773.

Greene was active in numerous revolutionary battles. General Washington appointed Greene commander of the Continental Army for the southern theater where he engaged in a successful campaign of guerrilla warfare against the numerically superior force of General Charles Cornwallis.

After the war, Greene relocated to the South to focus on the plantations he had been awarded during the war.

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