"Felix the Cat", is widely considered the world’s first animated film star. First appearing as 'Master Tom' in an animated short "Feline Follies", released by Paramount Studios on 9 November 1919.

"Felix's Magic Bag of Tricks", is a magic bag owned by "Felix the Cat" that was introduced in the "Felix the Cat" TV cartoon series. Although it is usually called "The Magic Bag", Felix also calls it his "little bag-of-tricks" or simply "Baggie."

One of Felix's special skills was that he could pull almost anything he needed out of his "magic bag". It is a one of a kind satchel, which usually takes the form of a suitcase/carpetbag, which is yellow with black markings. Simpler drawings show the markings as black X's, but a closer look reveals the pattern to be black dots and near-floral, four-point stars.

In one Felix episode it is revealed that some of the materials that make up Felix's bag are very expensive. Rumor has it that, due to feline worship in ancient times, the most common threads in the fabric are Egyptian cotton.

More Info: felixthecat.fandom.com