The Kagu is a long-legged, and bluish-grey bird endemic to the dense mountain forests of New Caledonia, a French territory comprising dozens of islands in the South Pacific.

Measuring 55 cm (22 in) in length, it has pale grey plumage and bright red legs. Its 'nasal corns' are a unique feature not shared with any other bird.

Almost flightless, it spends its time on or near the ground, where it hunts its invertebrate prey, and builds a nest of sticks on the forest floor.

Their weight can vary considerably by individual and by season, ranging from 700 to 1,100 g (25–39 oz). Its plumage is unusually bright for a bird of the forest floor; ash-grey and white colored.

There is little sexual dimorphism beyond a difference in the amount of barring in the primary feathers. It possesses powder downs which help keep it dry and insulate it in the extremes of New Caledonia's tropical climate.

It is the only surviving member of the genus 'Rhynochetos'. The Kagu experienced a decline in numbers during the 1900s primarily due to predation by invasive species.

Following predation by dogs and cats, egg loss from pigs and rats, and habitat loss the Kagu is now listed as 'Endangered'.

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