Green Bay is an arm of Lake Michigan, located along the south coast of Michigan's Upper Peninsula and the east coast of Wisconsin. Green Bay is some 120 miles (193 km) long, with a width ranging from about 10 to 20 miles (16 to 32 km); it is 1,626 square miles (4,210 km2) in area.

Lower green Bay Area of Concern was designated in 1987 under the Great Lakes Water Quality agreement. Areas of Concern are designated by the International Joint Commission as geographic areas in the Great Lakes basin having severe environmental degradation. It was designated by these sources of pollution:

--Affected by runoff pollution from urban and rural areas, municipal and industrial wastewater discharges and degraded habitats.

--Industrialization was a major factor in this becoming contaminated.

--High turbidity, sedimentation, fluctuating dissolved oxygen, frequent algal blooms, degraded fish/wildlife/plant populations and adverse toxicant impacts.

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