The Book of Isaiah is a book of the Old Testament which is thought to have been written by the Prophet Isaiah. Isaiah lived in the second half of the 8th century BC. The Book of Isaiah contains 66 Chapters which are prophecies about ancient Israel, its people, and its enemies. There is no accepted certainty by scholars and experts that all 66 chapters of the book were written by Isaiah. Some theories point out that certain chapters were written by at least one or more people.

In the Book of Isaiah, it tries to unveil the full dimensions of God's judgment and salvation. Here God is "the Holy One of Israel"; God must punish his rebellious people but will afterward redeem them (41:14,16). Israel is a nation blind and deaf (42:7), a vineyard that will be trampled (5:1-7), a people devoid of justice or righteousness (5:7; 10:1-2). The awful judgment that will be unleashed upon all the nations that defy God shall be called "the day of the Lord."

Here God will have compassion for his people and will rescue them from both political and spiritual oppression. God's kingdom on earth, with righteous rulers and righteous people, is the goal toward which the Book of Isaiah moves. The book anticipates that acts of hope will occur within the world.

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