Syria is in the Middle East, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, between Lebanon & Turkey. Syria’s sizeable Christian minority has its own local legend about the Nativity.

On Christmas Eve, the outer gates of the homes of Syrian Christians are locked as a reminder of the years of persecution when all worship had to be hidden. Carrying lighted candles the family prepares a bonfire in the courtyard.

The youngest son reads the Gospel story of the Nativity and the father lights the fire. All gather around to observe the particular way that the fire spreads through the wood as it will determine the luck of the household for the coming year.

A bonfire in the center of the churchyard provides light for a joyous procession where the image of the Christ Child is carried around the church.

Syrian children receive gifts at Epiphany from a very original source, the Smallest Camel of the Wise Men. Legend tells that the Wise Men traveled with many camels on to Bethlehem. The children leave shoes filled with hay on their doorsteps to feed the camels.

The Smallest Camel was exhausted by the long journey but refused to give up, his desire to see the Christ Child was so great. When the infant Jesus saw the faith and resolve of this loving creature he blessed it with immortality.

Every year the Smallest Camel visits the children with gifts for those who have been good. It is thought that they learn the importance of even the most insignificant of us from example set by the camel.

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