Over the millennia, Egypt has had many names in many different languages. Today, its official name is "Junhuriyah Misr al-Arabiyah", which in English means "Arab Republic of Egypt".

The Egyptians themselves refer to Egypt as Misr, although this may also be a name for Cairo. Interestingly, it is common for Egyptians to refer to Egypt as Misr, if they reside in Cairo, but if they are outside of Cairo, they will refer to Cairo as Misr. In a sense, this is a custom that dates back to the earliest days of ancient Egypt.

Some researchers, suggest that Egypt in Arabic is called “Misr” and in Hebrew it is called “Mizraim”. These names are of Semitic origin. Some researchers believe that these names come from the name "Mizraim", son of Ham, grandson of Noah, who was the first man to settle in Egypt after the story of Noah's Ark.

While other researchers suggest that "Misr" is originally an Arabic word meaning in English "the country" and the early Arabs widely used this name to refer to Egypt as they did not know a specific name for the land of Egypt at that time.

The word "Misr" (referring to Egypt in Arabic) is mentioned 5 times in the Qur'an. While the word "Mizraim" (referring to Egypt in Hebrew) is mentioned in the Hebrew Old Testament almost over four hundred times, making it the most frequently mentioned place outside of Canaan in the Bible.

More Info: egyptbesttrip.com