Finland ranks as the world's happiest country based on the 2021 report, with a score of 7.842 out of a total possible score of 10. It has been ranked number 1 since 2018, when it replaced Norway. The report writers credited the citizens of Finland's strong feelings of communal support and mutual trust with not only helping secure the #1 ranking, but (more importantly) helping the country as a whole navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, Finlanders felt strongly that they were free to make their own choices, and showed minimal suspicion of government corruption. Both of these factors are strong contributors to overall happiness.

From 1 to 10 the top ranked countries are Finland (1), Denmark (2), Switzerland (3), Iceland (4), Netherlands (5), Norway (6), Sweden (7), Luxembourg (8), New Zealand (9), and Austria (10).

What else do these countries have in common? All but one are in Europe, 5 are in Scandinavia, all have populations less than 20 million (only 2 exceed 10 million), all are democratic countries with generous social welfare schemes and all but 2 have had female prime ministers/presidents.

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