Here are the characters referenced in the four answer options:

Mr Jorkins is a lawyer in “David Copperfield”

Mr Fezziwig was an employer in “A Christmas Carol”

Mr Pickwick the main protagonist in “The Pickwick Papers”

Mr Bumble is the beadle in “Oliver Twist”

The novel “Oliver Twist; or, the Parish Boy's Progress” is an excellent example of Dickens’s exposure of corrupt practices and institutions prevalent in his own times. Mr Bumble is the self-important beadle – a minor parish official – whose responsibilities include the oversight of the parish workhouse and orphanage where Oliver Twist is brought up. The orphanage's penny-pinching and harsh regime is implemented largely by the unpleasant Mrs Bumble; Mr Bumble does not deign to get involved in the day-to-day matter of safeguarding children.

In the conclusion of the book when the horrible practices are exposed, Mr Bumble tries to distance himself from his wife’s actions in running the orphanage. He is put right when it is pointed out that the law would suppose him to be completely responsible for his –admittedly domineering – wife. “If the law supposes that,” said Mr. Bumble,… “the law is a ass—a idiot. If that’s the eye of the law, the law is a bachelor; and the worst I wish the law is that his eye may be opened by experience—by experience.”

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