Hippopotamuses are an introduced species in Colombia. Four hippopotamuses were kept by Pablo Escobar in the late 1970s, and upon his death in 1993 they were allowed to wander his unattended estate. By 2019 their population had grown to approximately one hundred individuals, causing concerns they may harm the native flora and fauna in the area. There are currently no plans by local government to control the population.

Colombia's hippos are a well-documented problem. Growing astonishingly fast in number, potentially devastating to the local ecosystem and perhaps lethal to humans, plenty of solutions have been proposed. Differences in their sexual maturity and growth from their African brethren, as well as environmental factors, have seen calls for them to be recognized as their own sub-species.

Hippos kill more people than any other mammal in Africa but attacks on humans had never really materialized in Colombia. At least until May 2019 when one local farmer was chased, mauled and severely injured near Escobar's former estate.

More Info: en.wikipedia.org