The April birth flower is Sweet Pea and/or Daisy

Sweet Pea: The fragrant pastel colored flowers of this climbing garden plant make it extremely popular.

The sweet pea appears in a wide range of pastel colors and also blooms in two-tone varieties and symbolizes pleasure or good-bye, which explains the message “Thank You For A Lovely Time” attached to the flower.

The Latin ‘lathyrus odoratus,’ which means ‘pea’ and ‘fragrant’ is how the sweet pea was named.

Daisy: Who has not made a daisy chain before? I was forever making them as a kid at my grandparents home. They have several meanings which include, cheerfulness (all those amazing colors), innocence (thanks to it being such a child focused flower), purity and beauty. It was also Queen Victoria’s favorite flower.

They were discovered in South Africa by Scotsman Richard Jameson but there have been stone carvings featuring daisies that go back to 3000BC.

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