Cleanliness doesn't just look better—it actually leads to a better (and longer) life. Clean water, pure air, efficient handling of waste, and effective sanitation can all significantly improve human health.

Researchers at Yale University and Columbia University collaborated with the World Economic Forum to measure the cleanliness and environmental friendliness of 180 countries around the world. To accomplish this task, they created the Environmental Performance Index (EPI).

The Environmental Performance Index measures 32 performance indicators across 11 categories related to two overarching policy objectives: ecosystem vitality and environmental health. These categories include air quality, water and sanitation, biodiversity and habitat, and sustainability. Once the scores are tabulated, the countries are ranked in order from the cleanest to the dirtiest.

With a total EPI score of 82.5, Denmark is 2020's cleanest and most environmentally friendly country. Denmark stands out for its high scores in several categories, including Wastewater Treatment (100), Waste Management (99.8), and Species Protection Index (100). It also has some of the world's most comprehensive and effective policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prevent climate change. Denmark's focus on sustainability shows in the country's increasing number of eco-friendly hotels, solar-powered boats, and organic food.

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