Before pyramids burials were in a tomb called a mastaba. This was a square mud brick structure with a flat top. The stepped pyramid, built for the Pharaoh Djoser c4700 years ago was a series of six mastabas built of limestone one top of the other, each one smaller than the last. It is the oldest stone building in the world standing at 62 meters high and was designed by Imhotep, who as well as being an architect, was the pharaohs chancellor and a high priest of the sun god Ra.

The bent pyramid was built for Sneferu c4600 years ago. The bottom section is at an angle of 54° and the top section is at 43°, which gives the bent profile. It is 104 meters high. Sneferu actually had three pyramids built, the first, at Meidum, which may have been started by his father was probably never completed. All that remains today is three distinct steps, similar to the earlier step pyramid. The bent pyramid came next and then, finally the Red Pyramid, which although rather squat, is more the shape that one would expect of an Egyptian pyramid.

Sneferus son and successor Khufu had built the most famous and iconic of all pyramids, the Great Pyramid of Giza. The only one of the seven wonders of the ancient world to remain largely intact and the tallest man made structure for more than 3800 years after it was built c4600 years ago.

The black pyramid of Amenmehat III is so called because of its dark decaying appearance and is in a ruined state. It was built c3800 years ago at Dahshu

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