The legendary jazzman known as Bird had a profound influence on an entire generation of jazz performers, and musicians still pay tribute to his innovative bop style. The celebrated nickname is short for Yardbird—a reference to his appetite for fried chicken or, according to other sources, his habit of hanging out in the alleys behind jazz clubs to play his alto saxophone when he was too young and inept to be allowed inside.

Charles Parker, Jr., was born on Aug. 29, 1920. He played the tuba in the high school band, but his mother thought it looked funny and bought him an alto saxophone. Because he taught himself how to play it, he used all 12 keys. By the age of 16, he had a wife and child and was earning $1.25 a night as a musician.

Bird has been credited with inventing the harmonic changes that bop brought to jazz. He claimed that he had become bored with playing the same arrangements night after night. He developed the shape of bop with such artists as Thelonious Monk and Dizzy Gillespie. Beginning in 1945, Bird made many recordings, including his first with Dizzy and his first with Miles Davis. As a result of drug addiction, he broke down while recording ‘Lover Man’ in Los Angeles in July 1946 and was confined to Camarillo State Hospital.

He was admitted to Bellevue Hospital in New York City in September 1954 after a suicide attempt. His last public appearance was at Birdland, a club in New York City named for him. He died in New York City on March 12, 1955.

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