An 'orchard' is an intentional planting of trees or shrubs that is maintained for fruit production (the reverse is true for forests). An orchard's layout is the technique of planting the crops in a proper system. A fruit garden is generally synonymous with an 'orchard'. There are different methods of planting and thus different layouts. The most extensive 'orchards' in the US are apple and orange. In Canada, apple and other fruit 'orchards' are widespread on the Niagara Peninsula, south of Lake Ontario.

A quincunx is a geometric pattern consisting of five points arranged in a cross, with four of them forming a square or rectangle and fifth at its centre. It is a standard pattern for planting an 'orchard'. The quincunx was originally a coin issued by the Roman Republic (c.211-200 BC), whose value was five-twelfths of 'as' (Roman coin), rendered into Greek as bronze, and later copper; coin used during the Roman Republic and Roman Empire.

The flag of the Solomon Islands features a quincunx pattern of stars. The five stars represent the five main island groups in the Solomon Islands. Another instance occurred in the flag of the 19th-century Republic of Yucatan, where it signified the five departments into which the republic was divided.

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