A chamber pot is a portable toilet, meant for nocturnal use in the bedroom. It was common in many cultures before the advent of indoor plumbing and flush toilets.

"Chamber" is an older term for bedroom. The chamber pot is also known as a Jordan, a jerry, a guzunder, a po (possibly from French: pot de chambre), a potty pot, a potty, or a thunder pot. It was also known as a chamber utensil or bedroom ware.

Chamber pots continue in use today in areas lacking indoor plumbing, such as rural China.

In the Philippines, chamber pots are used as urinals and are known as arinola in most Philippine languages, such as Cebuano and Tagalog.

In Korea, chamber pots are referred to as yogang (요강). They were used by people who did not have indoor plumbing to avoid the cold elements during the winter months and are still used in North Korea to this day.

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