Here the picture is a bit of a clue.

The country concerned is in South-east Asia. It lies at the eastern end of Timor, one of the Sunda Islands that form part of the Malay Archipelago. On a map you can locate this archipelago lying to the north of of Australia a little right-of-centre in the picture.

The country is commonly known as Timor-Leste and, under this name, it became the first new sovereign state of the 21st century on 20 May 2002.

The name Timor-Leste is rather special as it has both Malay and Portuguese heritage (Portugal was the old colonial power). Timor comes from the Malay word "Timur", meaning "East", in reference to the island's position in the archipelago. "Leste" is the Portuguese word for "East", in reference to the country's position on the island. Put them together and you have East-East!

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