Although Braille is probably the most famous writing system for the blind, it is not the only one.

The Moon System (also known as the Moon Type, Moon Script, or Moon Code) is called after its originator, Dr William Moon (1818-1894) who lived in the South of England. In common with Louis Braille, he was blind himself, having lost his sight to scarlet fever in his twenties, and developed this system whilst a teacher in a blind school.

Unlike Braille, with its blocks of raised dots, the Moon system does bear a direct relationship to the letters of the Roman alphabet, with stylised forms of the familiar letters presented in raised print. This connection to the printed alphabet means that it has always been more popular with those who lost their sight later in life. It has also been adapted so it can be used with other alphabets. In common with Braille, there are simplified and more complex versions, and, interestingly, a hybrid form of the two, known as "Dotty Moon" also exists.

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