Claus von Stauffenberg was a German army officer, known for his failed attempt to assassinate the Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler on 20th July 1944.

As early as September 1942 Stauffenberg was considering Hans Georg Schmidt von Altenstadt, author of ‘Unser Weg zum Meer’, as a replacement for Hitler.

After several unsuccessful attempts by Stauffenberg to assassinate Hitler, Göring and Himmler at the same time, he went ahead with the attempt at the Wolf’s Lair on 20 July 1944. Stauffenberg entered the briefing room carrying a briefcase containing two small bombs. He left the room to arm the first bomb with specially adapted pliers, but was a difficult task for him with his injured hands. A guard knocked and opened the door, urging him to hurry as the meeting was about to begin. As a result, Stauffenberg was able to arm only one of the bombs. He returned to the briefing room, where he placed the briefcase under the conference table, as close as he could to Hitler. Some minutes later, he excused himself and left the room. After his exit, the briefcase was moved by Colonel Heinz Brandt, and unfortunately, Adolf Hitler was left uninjured.

Stauffenberg, was executed before 1:00 in the morning on 21st July 1944 by a firing squad.

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