An Emmy Award, or simply Emmy, is a trophy presented at one of the numerous annual American events or competitions that each recognize achievements in a particular sector of the television industry.

The two events that receive the most media coverage are the Primetime Emmy Awards and the Daytime Emmy Awards, which recognize outstanding work in American primetime and daytime entertainment programming, respectively. Other notable Emmy events include those honoring national sports programming, national news and documentary shows, and technological and engineering achievements in television, including the Primetime Engineering Emmy Awards. In addition, the International Emmy Awards honor excellence in TV programming produced and initially aired outside the United States.

The Emmy is named after "immy", an informal term for the image orthicon tube that was common in early television cameras. Although the weight and dimensions of the statuette may vary among the Emmy events, the basic design depicts a winged woman holding an atom.

The first Emmy ceremony took place on January 25, 1949, at the Hollywood Athletic Club, but solely to honor shows produced and aired locally in the Los Angeles area. Shirley Dinsdale (October 31, 1926 – May 9, 1999, American ventriloquist and television and radio personality) has the distinction of receiving the very first Emmy Award for Most Outstanding Television Personality, during that first awards ceremony.

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