Who appears when Aladdin rubs the lamp?
"Aladdin" is a 1992 American animated comedy musical romantic fantasy adventure film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation for Walt Disney Pictures. The film follows Aladdin, a street urchin, who finds a magic lamp containing a genie. In order to hide the lamp from the Grand vizier, he disguises himself as a wealthy prince, and tries to impress the Sultan and his daughter.
The Genie first appears in "Aladdin", where he is released from a magical oil lamp by the titular character in the collapsed Cave of Wonders. After he explains that he can grant three wishes, Aladdin, knowing that Genie would only grant his wish to get out of the cave if he used one of his wishes, dupes him into freeing Aladdin and Abu the monkey from the cave without using a wish. At a faraway oasis, the Genie is shocked when he finds that Aladdin didn't use his first wish to get out of the cave and reluctantly agrees to let Aladdin's first wish to be spared.
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