President Theodore Roosevelt formally gave the White House its name in 1901. And, noting the history of the White House, it is fascinating. The main building was burned by the British in 1814 during the War of 1812. Afterward, when the building was being restored, the smoke stained gray stone walls were painted white. But, the name “White House” was not officially used until President Theodore Roosevelt had it engraved on his stationery in 1901. Prior to that, the building was known variously as the President's Palace, the President's House and the Executive Mansion.

Over the years, there have been several additions made to the main building, including the west wing (1902), the east wing (1942), and a penthouse and a bomb shelter (1952). The west wing, which contains the president's oval office and the offices of his staff, is the center of activity at the White House. During Harry Truman's presidency, from December 1948 to March 1952, the interior of the White House was rebuilt, and the outer walls were strengthened. Nevertheless, the exterior stone walls are the same ones that were first put in place when the White House was built two centuries ago.

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