Osiris is the Egyptian Lord of the Underworld and Judge of the Dead, brother-husband to Isis, and one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt. The name `Osiris' is the Latinized form of the Egyptian Usir which is interpreted as 'powerful' or 'mighty'.

Osiris was a very wise and powerful king, and was loved and respected by the Egyptian people. Unfortunately, his younger brother Seth, was very jealous of his brother’s power in Egypt, and began to form a plan to kill Osiris and take over his throne.

Seth cut Osiris’s body into fourteen pieces and hurled the pieces all over Egypt to ensure that the body was never found again. Isis recovered all of the body parts except the penis, which had been thrown into the Nile and eaten by the oxyrhyncus fish, which is why this fish was forbidden food in ancient Egypt.

Isis was able to revive Osiris and, once he was alive, she assumed the form of a kite and flew around him, drew the seed from his body into her own, and became pregnant with a son, Horus. Even though Osiris now lived, he was incomplete and could no longer rule the land of the living. He withdrew into the afterlife where he became Lord and Judge of the Dead.

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