Charles Ponzi (Carl Pietro Giovanni Guglielmo Tebaldo Ponzi; March 3, 1882 - January 18, 1949) was an Italian swindler and con artist in the U.S. and Canada. He was the infamous swindler who paid out returns with other investors' money. The "Ponzi scheme" is named after him. In a "Ponzi scheme", there is no chance of ever paying off all investors. Investors who redeem are only paid out of funds provided by new investors, never from earnings or profits.

In the 1920s, Charles Ponzi promised investors they could yield considerable profits by purchasing postal international reply coupons from other countries at low prices and then redeeming them in the U.S. for postage stamps. To legitimize the scheme, he established the "Securities Exchange Company" based in Boston. A steady flow of new clients allowed him to pay existing investors, while pocketing millions of dollars himself. But soon enough, the scheme collapsed bringing six banks down with it. Collectively, his investors lost an estimated $20 million ($258 million in 2021). After arrest, he spent several years in different prisons of American States, after finally being deported to Italy on October 7, 1934. During World War 2, he went penniless to Brazil. Thereafter he spent 'The last years' of his life in poverty. During that time, Ponzi also wrote his autobiography.

Ponzi died in a charity hospital of Federal University of Rio De Janeiro, on January 18, 1949.

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