Benjamin Franklin was the person who said, "Diligence is the mother of good luck." The phrase was used by Franklin in the 18th century. It is said that he talked of diligence when he was in Philadelphia, PA as the First Continental Congress came together to organize colonial resistance to the British Parliament’s Coercive Acts.

At the time, Franklin's idea was that those who look into practical life will find that fortune is usually on the side of the industrious and those with perseverance. It is for example like winds and waves on the side of navigators who are the best at sea. Success treads on the heels of every right effort, and though it was possible to overestimate success as a gift of God, still in any worthy pursuit it was the diligent and painstaking individuals who went the longest and won the most according to Franklin.

Also experts besides Franklin have interpreted this phrase to mean that success has more to do with careful planning and persistence than being just plain lucky. Some were confident that Franklin was suggesting that there is no such thing as ‘luck’, but simply that good things come from people who work exceptionally hard.

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