Anne Cormac is an dangerous-tempered Irish girl with red locks, the symbol of the The Golden Age of Piracy. She married a pirate named James Bonny, for which she was disowned by her father. Anne Bonny left for the Bahamas with her husband and settled down in the so-called Pirates Republic, a pirates' sanctuary. Anyway, they weren't happy in their marriage for a long time.

They divorced, and she took up with Calico Jack Rackham, first as his lover, then as his first mate of the ship Revenge. In October of 1720, she and the rest of Rackham's crew were captured despite Bonny and her bosom buddy Mary Read's valiant attempts to fight off the advancing English forces. Bonny blamed Rackham for their capture. Nobody knows if Anne was sentenced to death or not. Some think her respectable and high powered father paid good money to set his reckless daughter free.

Anne Bonny is loved by authors and musicians, there are plenty of songs and stories written about here. Usually facts and fiction are mixed in them.