King John byname John Lackland (December 24, 1166 – October 19, 1216) was the son of Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine. He became King of England after the death of his brother Richard I (Richard the Lionheart), from April 6, 1199, until his death.

Given no particular inheritance of note, he was nicknamed 'LackLand' meaning he had no lands, although his father did pack him off to Ireland in 1185 CE with the title Lord of Ireland. John, acting as viceroy, managed to upset both the English and Irish during his brief stay, and he was back in England after only four months in the job.

During the siege of the castle of Chalus in France on April 6, 1199 AD. C., Ricardo was hit by an arrow and died of gangrene, as he left no heir, so John was named the new King of England; he was crowned on May 27, 1199 CE in Westminster Abbey.

His reign was marked by a series of failed military campaigns, a protracted struggle with the Church, and the rebellion of the barons that led to Magna Carta.

He was an efficient and capable administrator, but also unpredictable and aggressive. He disregarded justice when dealing with opponents, regularly taking hostages and meting out merciless punishment.

His conflict with the Church led to his excommunication. The annulment of Magna Carta by Pope Innocent III in August 1215, at his request, led to a renewal of the barons' revolt which was still raging when he died in October 1216.

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