Iceland is a small volcanic island (103.000 km2) in the north Atlantic Ocean, with a population of approximately 360.000.

Until the 9th century C.E. Iceland was uninhabited.

Before Hrafna-Flóki came to Iceland, two men had already sailed there by accident. The first man was Naddoddur, who had lost his way when he was sailing back to Norway from the Faroe Islands. He named the island Snæland (Snowland). The second man was Garðar Svavarsson, who named it Garðarshólmi (Garðar's Islet).

Having heard of this mysterious island, Hrafna-Flóki Vilgerðarson wanted to try and find it. He managed to do so and stayed for one winter. After the harsh winter had passed, he saw that the ísland was habitable and full of resources, despite the winter cold. He sailed back to Norway to tell of his finding and called the island Iceland (Ísland in Icelandic).

About six years later, in the year 874 C.E., the first settlers came to Iceland, lead by Ingólfur Arnarsson.

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