Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna; {2 November 1755 – 16 October 1793) was the wife of Louis Seize {Louis XVI} and the last queen of France. She was beheaded during the French Revolution. Nearing her death, an innocent comment of "Let them eat cake" enraged the French poor people who had no bread. Soon it was "Off with her head!"

Born into the Austrian empire, Maria Antonia was one of thirteen children of Maria Theresa who survived infancy. Married at the age of fourteen, Maria Antonia was the Dauphin of France, having married the assumed heir of the French throne. When Louis-Auguste assumed the throne to become Louis XIV, Marie Antoinette became the Queen of France.

Maria Theresa wanted lots of grandchildren. Among her many titles included being Holy Roman Empress. When she died at the age of 64 on 29 November 1780, her reign was a fraction of what it was in her midlife. Being the mother of many children who assumed thrones in many countries, her legacy of royalty was strong and unquestioned. That Maria Antonia did not have children was a sorrow to Maria Theresa. Still Maria Antonia was a delight to her mother, being the youngest daughter of the family. At one point, Maria Antonia said of her mother, "If she had not been pregnant so much, she probably would have joined the soldiers in the wars."

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