What sounds extremely wrong, but is actually correct?

If you’re in an elevator and it stops - DON’T TRY TO GET OUT.

I honestly think it’s because of the movie industry, with heroes forcing the doors open or breaking out through the ceiling, but when people get stuck in a lift, their first reflex is to try to get out on their own.

NOTHING could be more dangerous.

Cabin elevators are designed so that the cabin is the safest place in the lift. Trying to leave an elevator without the help of a qualified professional places people in extreme danger (of falling, of getting stuck, of horrible situations that are too gruesome to describe but that I’m sure you can imagine…)


If your name isn’t John McClane, don’t do this.

The logic also extends to platform elevators (e.g. with only a platform, not a whole cabin, enclosed in a shaft that can be made of metal or glass).

One time, I was fielding an urgent request from a customer that was stuck in a platform lift. When I arrived on site, I discovered that the customer was out and about, but the lift was still stuck.

Upon closer inspection, I discovered that the customer had kicked his way out by bending one of the shaft panels out of shape, until he could slip through. The whole shaft, a total three floors of steel panels, could have come toppling down on his head.

Ironically, the platform, just like the cabin, wouldn’t have budged.

Stay put people.

This information was taken from Quora. Click here to view the original post.

Have you ever gotten stuck in an elevator? Were you trying to get out on your own?

#Society #psychology #health #Quora


What are your thoughts on this subject?
Lynne Zeman
Dennis Sharp, I have acrophobia and will go in a closed elevator but NOT a glass one. Lol. Guess we all have our idiosyncrasies and challenges.
Feb 13, 2019 7:56PM
Norbie Warren
I got stuck in an elevator at work at midnight I managed to get the doors open and dived out onto the floor... had to...go the the washroom
Jul 2, 2019 6:32PM
Betty Wiendels
I was stuck in an elevator one night, so I pounded the elevator door with my fist until my male neighbour Dan forced open it. Gratefully, I hugged him after I finally exited the elevator. A couple of years later, I was stuck there again, so I pressed the emergency button repeatedly and spoke “Help me please”. Suddenly, I went down to a couple of floors and exited the elevator. Then I talked to a staffer who apologized and explained she had called the elevator company. The elevator repairman came.
Nov 20, 2024 5:27AM
Helen Dakin
I've been stuck in a high -rise lift. They sway. But, the scariest part is when the lift suddenly moves, because the maintenance person is about to get you out. And, I was all by myself. Oh dear.
Oct 9, 2023 7:05PM
John Disney
David Pearson, the safest response in a falling lift is to lay down and spread out so the impact will be spread. When you jumped you bounced in the safety gears. A set of wedges that lock the lift in position on the guide rails. To get them out the lift has to be raised, normally by hand winding the machine also the electrical safety switches have to be manually reset and checked.
Jul 15, 2023 9:16AM
John Disney
Bob Pam Hanna, a cabin elevator is an enclosed box/cabin where as a platform is a single surface, ie a floor and no sides or roof. All elevators are ( or should be ) fitted with safety gears the grip the guides and hold the elevator in a fixed immovable position. Unless released by a competent person/mechanic.
Jul 15, 2023 9:09AM
Judi Hanan
I remember a few years ago being in San Francisco with my sister. I didn't realize it was a glass elevator, and my sister didn't know how scared of height I was. I planted myself facing the wall. I told the employee upstairs I would take the flight of stairs down and luckily there was a regular elevator. I honestly would have taken those stairs. I sure understand Lynne. Nothing wrong with that at all!
Sep 25, 2022 10:21PM
The important thing to remember about elevators is that they are counterbalanced. Which means that they do NOT fall down, they fall UP! The counterbalance is going to pull them up.
Sep 18, 2022 5:04PM
Diane Herbert Wall
Bob Pam Hanna, A movie set in Weimar Germany had people walking on and off elevators so I'm guessing it was a platform elevator. So the cabin type would have a closing door?
Jan 13, 2022 4:49PM
Most modern Elevators have an automatic braking system if an Elevator suddenly goes into free fall. Not to worry, however, it might be a good idea to carry a pack of playing cards or a Pinochle deck. to pass the time if tuck in an Elevator. Who knows, you might pick up a few bucks.
Dec 16, 2019 8:58PM
Norbie Warren
Sherry Moyer, 😯
Jul 2, 2019 6:36PM
Kathleen Hartshorne
I get thisome one. Unless someone in there farts, I think I would want out then.
May 25, 2019 4:45PM
Sue Gembrini-Spataro
Will, if I get stuck in an elevation...I’d take my chances and get out anway I could! Closed In place and Me...nooooo
May 19, 2019 10:02PM
Lynne Zeman
Good info. Thx
Feb 13, 2019 7:55PM
Leslie Clive Bedford
Todd Cates, My Grandfather (Mother’s Father) was a winder in a Welsh coal mine.
Dec 23, 2018 1:33AM


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